It is one of the new generation therapy methods that shows the effect of bioresonance therapy through the bioenergy method. Bioresonance therapy is a healing (detox/detoxification) process that regulates the electromagnetic oscillations emitted by the body. These electromagnetic vibrations follow the individual’s healing process by eliminating pathological oscillations by analyzing the data collected from the patient through electrodes in a computer environment, editing and returning it to the patient. Today, the bioresonance method, which is most frequently used in addiction (cigarette, alcohol, substance and carbohydrate) therapies, is also It can also be used in many complaints. It can also be used in obesity and smoking addiction, which are one of the biggest health problems of today. It can also be used for stress relief and spiritual detox. With this method, you can get rid of addictions such as smoking and alcohol in the most practical way, lose weight in a healthy way and heal spiritually.
Qigong - Tai Chi Exercises
3,500.00₺ KDV Dahil
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