Our subconscious is a secret force that constantly works behind the scenes of our lives, shaping and guiding us. So, when does this mysterious structure begin to form? Unbelievable but true, our subconscious begins to take shape before we even open our eyes to the world, while we are in our mother’s womb.
The nine months we spend in the womb not only witness our physical growth; The foundations of our soul and character are laid in this period. Every emotion his mother experiences, every stress or happiness she feels, affects the way the baby perceives the world. Every word whispered into the mother’s ear, every joy or sadness felt, leaves traces in the baby’s subconscious.
These early interactions form the library of our subconscious. Until the age of 8, our subconscious records everything that happens around us like a video camera. At this age, children do not have the capacity to distinguish good from bad, right from wrong. For them, everything learned is an indisputable truth. Since they cannot comprehend, the information loaded onto them becomes a reality in their subconscious.
In this process, every information engraved in our subconscious determines the direction of our future lives. Because our subconscious mind controls 95% of our lives, and the “truths” recorded at these early ages shape our future behavior, beliefs, and emotional responses. Therefore, our subconscious lays the foundation stones of a fiction that shapes and directs our lives.