Qi is the fundamental energy of life, central to Traditional Chinese Medicine and philosophy. Qi is an energy that flows within all living things, and this energy maintains the health of the body, clarity of the mind, and balance of the soul. Qi is considered a force that is found in every aspect of life and sustains the life of living things.
Movement of Qi:
Qi moves up, down, inward and outward in the body. These movements are vital; The free flow of Qi is the foundation of a healthy life. The movement of qi energy in these directions is critical to the body’s energy balance and overall health. Restriction of any movement can lead to physical and mental ailments, while complete cessation of Qi means the end of life.
Sources of Qi:
According to Chinese Medicine, our life has two main sources of Qi: Internal Qi and External Qi. Internal Qi is our innate life energy. External Qi is the energy we obtain from outside, through breathing and food. Using External Qi correctly and with high quality can extend lifespan by preserving Internal Qi.
Managing qi energy is essential for a healthy and long life. Qigong stands out as a practice that helps balance and direct this energy. By flowing qi energy freely and balancedly, it contributes to keeping the body and mind healthy.